Icon for: Diego Tibaquira


Miami Dade College
Public Discussion

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  • Icon for: Diego Tibaquira

    Diego Tibaquira

    Lead Presenter
    May 11, 2021 | 04:34 p.m.


    My name is Diego TIbaquirá and I'm the PI of the NSF ATE Project #1800958 https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_I...

    Please share your thoughts and ideas.


    Diego Tibaquirá


  • Icon for: Gerhard Salinger

    Gerhard Salinger

    Former Program Officer (NSF)
    May 12, 2021 | 02:03 p.m.

    Your project is well planned and off to a good start. How have you interacted with the ATE Centers in Cybersecurity?  How does the program encourage women and minorities to study cybersecurity?  Have you been able to follow the course taking, degree or certificate completion and job placement of the students in the program?   


  • Icon for: Diego Tibaquira

    Diego Tibaquira

    Lead Presenter
    May 14, 2021 | 05:38 a.m.

    Hello Gerhard,

    Thank you for stopping by and for your questions.

    We have attended the ATE PI Conference every year since we got funded and have used many of the ATE resources and utilize ATE Central https://atecentral.net/

    We work directly with women and minorities, offering different opportunities to help advance their education in CyberSecurity. Miami Dade College is an HSI and MSI Institution.

    We keep track of the student declaring CyberSecurity as a major and have established a relationship with Industry partners that help us keep track of where our students go after graduation or where they are doing Internships.

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    Yolanda Abel
  • Icon for: Yolanda Abel

    Yolanda Abel

    Associate Professor
    May 15, 2021 | 12:59 p.m.

    Diego, are your graduates invited back to be mentors, guest speakers, or in some other capacity for students who are still in process? 

  • Icon for: Diego Tibaquira

    Diego Tibaquira

    Lead Presenter
    May 16, 2021 | 05:42 a.m.

    Hello Yolanda,

    That is a great question. Yes, we are building an alumni network and bringing back recent and other graduates to talk to students currently in our programs. Not only that but I bring prior students that have passed my class and the Industry Certification attached to it (i.e. Security+ and others) to my classes to talk to current students about studying for certifications. Creating continuity is important and helps current students see how the previous students were successful. It also gives our alumni a place to come and talk and stay engaged. 

  • Icon for: Joselina Cheng

    Joselina Cheng

    May 13, 2021 | 02:15 p.m.

    Great project. Any thoughts on how to incorporate current event (e.g. cyber attack on major pipeline) to educate our youth and  address national/homeland security? Thanks for sharing 

  • Icon for: Diego Tibaquira

    Diego Tibaquira

    Lead Presenter
    May 14, 2021 | 05:41 a.m.

    Hello Joselina,

    We have multiple student organizations (CyberSecurity Clubs), and the students are competing nationally in National Cyber League (NCL) and Hackathons. These competitions give students real-life scenarios to work through. Also, we have a Cyber Range where students can practice real-life Cyber Attacks. 

  • Icon for: Lindsay Palmer

    Lindsay Palmer

    Graduate Student
    May 13, 2021 | 08:19 p.m.

    Great work! It’s amazing to see that so many underrepresented minority students enrolled in your cybersecurity programs. Looking forward to the continued growth of the programs

  • Icon for: Diego Tibaquira

    Diego Tibaquira

    Lead Presenter
    May 14, 2021 | 05:43 a.m.

    Hello Lindsay,

    Yes, we are working hard to increase the numbers and this year we have received a grant to work towards increasing the number of women in the Computer Science field in general. 

  • Icon for: Gerhard Salinger

    Gerhard Salinger

    Former Program Officer (NSF)
    May 15, 2021 | 07:11 p.m.

    The ATE-funded Convergence Technology Center at Collin College (TX), helps student develop successful resumes on LinkedIn.  This increases that possibility of students getting interviews.  They have guidelines for avoiding mistakes.  This may be useful to your students.. 

  • Icon for: Diego Tibaquira

    Diego Tibaquira

    Lead Presenter
    May 16, 2021 | 05:38 a.m.

    Hello Gerhard,

    Thanks for your comment. 

    We received this announcement this week :-):

    Miami Dade College has been selected by the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC) to join the “Convergence College Network” (CCN) community as a “Level 2” member.