NSF Awards: 1557309
teachHOUSTON is the University of Houston’s STEM teacher preparation program. When COVID-19 hit, the teachHOUSTON directors knew it would affect the opportunity for students to engage in STEM over the summer - so they got creative and designed the teachHOUSTON STEM Interactive (tHSI) which transformed the idea of what teaching and learning during a pandemic could be. With COVID impacting STEM teaching and learning for the foreseeable future, teachHOUSTON enlisted the help of undergraduate and graduate students from the college and provided them with valuable experience, as interns, preparing and teaching lessons online. Utilizing these preservice and in-service teachers, as well as teachHOUSTON faculty and STEM experts, they hosted tHSI, a three-week, virtual STEM experience for students going into sixth through ninth grade that was largely funded by an NSF Noyce Grant.
Students participated in interactive mini-lessons, science experiments, prototyping, and engineering design challenges. The interns prepared and taught lessons via Zoom and gained nearly 400 teaching hours and the confidence needed to facilitate their own virtual classrooms. tHSI addressed issues of access by designing and implementing virtual programming, sharing lessons, and creating a webpage for those videos to live long after tHSI was complete.
In the end, tHSI’s Facebook page welcomed 1107 participants and garnered over 9,000 posts and comments in just 21 days. In addition, the online experience was accessed by more than 3,000 students from various countries so, while the name "teachHOUSTON" encompasses one area, the impact of tHSI was global.
Paige Evans
Associate Director and Clinical Professor, teachHOUSTON
On behalf of our entire team, welcome to our page and thank you for taking the time to view our passion project! We are excited to share our video titled - teachHOUSTON STEM Interactive: STEM Accessible Worldwide.
When COVID-19 put a stop to in-person learning, we had no idea how many students and families would be positively impacted by our online interactive. Initially, we had hoped for a few hundred participants and ended up reaching more than 3,000 students from all over the world. Last summer, we covered math, science, and engineering in just three short weeks and through pre-recorded lessons, live Zoom sessions, and a highly interactive Facebook page, we were able to make STEM accessible.
Please enjoy our video, which details more about our teachHOUSTON STEM interactive (tHSI), and feel free to check out our archived 2020 lessons: https://uh.edu/nsm/teachhouston/summer-camps/stem-interactive/2020/lessons/
We invite you to comment, like, and share so we can engage further. As for discussion, we are especially interested in your specific project and:
Thank you, and we look forward to your feedback and insights!
Ateng' Ogwel
Xiao Han
Jacqueline Ekeoba
Ramona Mateer
Liandra Larsen
Elsa Gonzalez
Great work Paige and team, congratulations!!
Liandra Larsen
Ramona Mateer
Ramona Mateer
Master Teacher/Lecturer, teachHOUSTON
Thank you Elsa!
Liandra Larsen
Graduate Research Assistant, Video Editor, teachHOUSTON
Welcome to our page everyone! A lot of heart went into our tHSI and this video. Looking forward to learning from all of your videos and sharing more about our own.
Jacqueline Ekeoba
Ramona Mateer
Paige Evans
Josephine Louie
What a wonderful video! It is so inspiring to see how widely you've been able to scale your program, and the impact you've been able to have on individual students. Congratulations on this great work! I'm wondering: What types of student and/or student-teacher learning or affective outcomes have you been examining, and what have you found?
Holly Morin
Liandra Larsen
Paige Evans
Associate Director and Clinical Professor, teachHOUSTON
Thanks Josephine. We appreciate your comments! We do have a publication in press about the generative mentoring that took place during the program as we had faculty, in-service teachers, and preservice teachers working together and mentoring each other in a multi-layered manner. We also found an increase in the teachers' self efficacy in teaching in an online platform.
Holly Morin
Donna Stokes
Professor and Associate Dean for Undergraduate Affairs and Student Success
The College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at UH is very proud of this amazing and innovative work and its powerful, broad reaching impact during the pandemic! I hope you all enjoy this video.
Xiao Han
Jacqueline Ekeoba
Ramona Mateer
Paige Evans
Liandra Larsen
Thanks for sharing your success story! Scaling great local programs like this is obviously a big challenge in education. I'm wondering, what do you think made it possible for you to take this from a program serving 50 students in person to over 3,000 virtually? Did you set out to do this with a specific plan and structures in mind, or did it just happen?
Jacqueline Ekeoba
Ramona Mateer
Paige Evans
Liandra Larsen
Paige Evans
Associate Director and Clinical Professor, teachHOUSTON
Hello Patrick,
Thank you for watching our video. The answer is both. Yes, we had a specific plan in mind that evolved as we made the decision to go virtual. We had a structure in place with a different theme each day of the week. We had 5 mini teams comprised of faculty, graduates, and preservice STEM teachers. We also worked with our communications department and school districts to get the word out. Even though we had a plan in mind, it evolved daily and took a lot of on the spot decision making. We did not anticipate having over 3,000 students. In fact, we were shocked! So, we ended up offering more sessions as the numbers went up. We learned a lot the first year and are now better prepared for this year's virtual endeavor.
Holly Morin
Jacqueline Ekeoba
patrick honner
Ramona Mateer
Liandra Larsen
Liandra Larsen
Graduate Research Assistant, Video Editor, teachHOUSTON
Hi Patrick! Thank you for taking the time to watch our video. It was a little bit of both! Up front, we knew that it had to be virtual, free, and involve our pre-service and in-service teachers in some way.
Our specific plan was to create lesson plans for each subject area and pre-release supply lists so that families could gather up household items before lessons were released. Then we created a Facebook page for students and families to interact with us, designed pre-recorded lessons to share each day, and planned to host live sessions to provide for more interaction.
The fun began once we started keeping track of how many students were being registered! We organically began to adjust to the high demand. On day one, we changed our live session platform from Microsoft Teams to Zoom after receiving feedback, via FB, from students and families. We also delegated specific groups to monitor the page daily and then just kept adapting on the fly. In short, what made it possible was the entire team coming together and making it happen.
To this day, we still smile about how we were able to come together and reach so many students. We're doing it again in a few weeks, so I guess that tells you how much we learned from last year and enjoyed hosting it!
Holly Morin
Jacqueline Ekeoba
patrick honner
Ramona Mateer
Paige Evans
Marion Usselman
Associate Director, and Principal Research Scientist
Thanks for an inspiring video. The summer experience was clearly transformative for students. Please tell us a bit more about the level of interactivity that you were able to achieve for 3,000 students. How did you facilitate students from around the world having experiences with each other? Did all 3,000 connect directly with staff, or were some of them merely accessing available asynchronous materials? What did a "session" look like?
Holly Morin
Jacqueline Ekeoba
Ramona Mateer
Liandra Larsen
Jacqueline Ekeoba
Lecturer, Science Master Teacher, teachHOUSTON
Thank you for taking the time to watch our video! As you can imagine, the volume of participation was overwhelming at the onset of the camp. We truly did not expect the desire for this interaction to be so great! With aid from our university leadership, we were able to troubleshoot ways to increase our ability to reach every participant within the scope of their accessibility.
Our camp had asynchronous challenges based on the STEM content theme of the day as well as multiple synchronous lessons held throughout the day. This allowed children and families from multiple time zones to participate in their own way. The synchronous sessions varied but allowed up to 500 participants at a time as our preservice teachers and faculty facilitated lessons using gamification, Q&As and even a little dancing in between for brain breaks. We truly wanted our participants to be a part of something greater, much like we would during a face-to-face camp. Even with the large number of participants, they could still be seen through our sessions and Facebook group; they could still be heard through our chats and sharing recorded videos. It was an amazing experience to say the least!
Thank you for your questions!
Ramona Mateer
Liandra Larsen
Paige Evans
Associate Director and Clinical Professor, teachHOUSTON
Hello Marion,
Thank you for your post. The summer experience included both synchronous and asynchronous components. The students were provided with a challenge of the day through an asynchronous lesson (a materials list was provided a week earlier). Then, they would share their designs via a private Facebook group where they would interact with each other and directly with staff. Most of them posted actual videos which were fun to watch. We ensured that all student postings had several comments from staff. They could also interact with us via email as not all were on FB. We also hosted 4 zoom sessions each day that were interactive and well attended. Many students stayed well beyond the 45 minute lesson to interact with us. You could tell that they missed the student to student and student to teacher interactions. The "typical" session started out with an ice-breaker where they would answer a question in the chat. Then, the lesson would cover the topic of the day in an interactive format using many technologies available where they could participate in Q&A, games, etc. At the end, students stayed around to chat and show their designs. It was a whirlwind experience as we were figuring it out daily. This year's interactive starts in a few weeks and we are excited for year 2 of this endeavor.
Holly Morin
Jacqueline Ekeoba
Ramona Mateer
Jacqueline Ekeoba
Lecturer, Science Master Teacher, teachHOUSTON
Welcome to our teachHOUSTON page! We hope you can take a moment to view the short video showcasing how we as a community experience making the impossible possible! Through the teachHOUSTON STEM Interactive, our students, faculty and staff at University of Houston joined forces to make STEM teaching and learning through a pandemic a fun, informative and rewarding experiencing for everyone involved.
We look forward to learning from other STEM colleagues in the field and hope to hear from you!
Paige Evans
Ramona Mateer
Liandra Larsen
Ramona Mateer
Master Teacher/Lecturer, teachHOUSTON
Welcome to one of the most exciting events in teaching to result from the Covid-19 era. When Covid-19 sent students home to learn in isolation, this teachHOUSTON STEM Interactive project found a way to reunite students with teachers and peers. As the project plan developed, the excitement built, students joined and participated. We are grateful to be able to share some of the results in this video and welcome you to enjoy and provide feedback. Thank you for taking the time to view our work!
Holly Morin
Jacqueline Ekeoba
Paige Evans
Liandra Larsen
Thea Schoen
I’m excited to see this new program and how it will excite each student
Jacqueline Ekeoba
Liandra Larsen
Ramona Mateer
Ramona Mateer
Master Teacher/Lecturer, teachHOUSTON
Thank you for taking the time to view the project!
Jacqueline Ekeoba
Paige Evans
Stephanie Arthur
Your project is so inspiring and the students certainly seemed to learn and thrive though the lessons - an amazing feat considing the online platform - congratulations. I am curious to know more about how you were able to 'recruit' the university students and did this oppotunity encourage any of them to consider shifting to science teaching?
Ramona Mateer
Jacqueline Ekeoba
Liandra Larsen
Paige Evans
Associate Director and Clinical Professor, teachHOUSTON
Hello Stephanie,
Thank you for watching our video. We recruited from many populations, in-service teachers, preservice teachers, and those who were new to our program and trying to figure out if they wanted to teach. We do believe that this solidified their desire to teach for many of the interns.
Jacqueline Ekeoba
Seung Lee
Thank you for sharing this wonderful program. I appreciate that your lessons and projects utilized common household items to allow more students to engage in hands-on STEM learning despite being stuck at home due to the pandemic. My guess would be that this aspect of accessibility may have played a part in motivating 3,000 students from around the world to participate in the program. Amazing!
Jacqueline Ekeoba
Paige Evans
Liandra Larsen
Ramona Mateer
Mariam Manuel
Instructional Assistant Professor, STEM Master Teacher, teachHOUSTON
Thank you for the positive feedback! You are absolutely correct! The household materials added accessibility and also creativity because the students used some materials that we didn't even think of and it was great to see the different, authentic projects.
Jacqueline Ekeoba
Paige Evans
Paige Evans
Associate Director and Clinical Professor, teachHOUSTON
Thank you for your kind words.
Jacqueline Ekeoba
Allison Master
I love this so much! It's wonderful to see how the program benefited the younger students and the pre-service teachers who participated, and how you took advantage of the opportunity to reach even more students. I'd love to hear more about the drawings that students made of engineers. How many times did students make those drawings? How many students' drawings changed over time to show engineers who looked like them? Thank you!
Ramona Mateer
Jacqueline Ekeoba
Paige Evans
Liandra Larsen
Mariam Manuel
Instructional Assistant Professor, STEM Master Teacher, teachHOUSTON
Thank you for the positive feedback! It was wonderful for the preservice teachers to engage synchronously and asynchronously with students! The drawing took place during the first engineering design session and on the last (third) session we discussed it again with some sharing updates.
Jacqueline Ekeoba
Allison Master
Paige Evans
Susan Holzknecht
Thank you for sharing the wonderful work you all are doing for education! This was a win for preservice teachers and for the participating students. I was touched by the student interview at the end. That moment is what gives all educators the fuel to keep doing what we love to do...teach...no matter the conditions.
@Allison Master - I have done the same "draw a scientist" activity for the last 3 years (courtesy of what I learned through graduate work at U of H). The number of student drawings that change from the first day of school to the last day of school is amazing. After taking Mariam's engineering class, I started putting the engineering design process at the forefront of my lessons. Putting tools in students' hands is when I saw the change in drawings occur. My students weren't learning science anymore...they were experiencing science. The white male scientist changed age, color, and gender.
Jacqueline Ekeoba
Paige Evans
Ramona Mateer
Liandra Larsen
Allison Master
Allison Master
"experiencing science"--I love it! Thanks for sharing this!
Jacqueline Ekeoba
Paige Evans
Liandra Larsen
Ramona Mateer
Master Teacher/Lecturer, teachHOUSTON
I have had the pleasure of witnessing students "experience science" in many classes. It truly changes the dynamics of the student's learning behaviors.
Jacqueline Ekeoba
Susan Holzknecht
Thank you for sharing the wonderful work you all are doing for education! This was a win for preservice teachers and for the participating students. I was touched by the student interview at the end. That moment is what gives all educators the fuel to keep doing what we love to do...teach...no matter the conditions.
@Allison Master - I have done the same "draw a scientist" activity for the last 3 years (courtesy of what I learned through graduate work at U of H). The number of student drawings that change from the first day of school to the last day of school is amazing. After taking Mariam's engineering class, I started putting the engineering design process at the forefront of my lessons. Putting tools in students' hands is when I saw the change in drawings occur. My students weren't learning science anymore...they were experiencing science. The white male scientist changed age, color, and gender.
Jacqueline Ekeoba
Ramona Mateer
Paige Evans
Liandra Larsen
Liandra Larsen
Graduate Research Assistant, Video Editor, teachHOUSTON
Thank you Susan! Yes - Arwyn's words always make us emotional because they capture the impact our work can have on others. I am so glad you could connect with our video and message!
Ramona Mateer
Jacqueline Ekeoba
Paige Evans
Mariam Manuel
Instructional Assistant Professor, STEM Master Teacher, teachHOUSTON
Thanks for sharing that Susan! So happy to hear you are using engineering design in your class and that their worldview is changing for the better! Love it!
Melanie Lofaro
This made my heart so happy! I’m so glad this program was able to succeed the way that it did. Thank for the inspiring video!
-Proud teachHouston alum
Jacqueline Ekeoba
Ramona Mateer
Paige Evans
Liandra Larsen
Liandra Larsen
Graduate Research Assistant, Video Editor, teachHOUSTON
We love our alums!!! Our heart is happy hearing from you. <3
Ramona Mateer
Jacqueline Ekeoba
Khyati Sanjana
Senior Manager
Collaboration between key stakeholders can make a great impact on students, as evident at the end of the video. I am curious about your lesson design/structure to lead the sheer number of participants in the synchronous session and any challenges you encountered along the way. Furthermore, do you have plans to expand the program to upper-grade elementary students?
Ramona Mateer
Jacqueline Ekeoba
Paige Evans
Liandra Larsen
Paige Evans
Associate Director and Clinical Professor, teachHOUSTON
Hello Khyati,
Thank you for watching our video. We had 5 teams (one for each day of the week with a specific theme). On each team, we had a faculty member, in-service teacher, and undergraduate preservice teachers. Since each team was responsible for one day each week, they were able to practice the lesson ahead of time and also brainstorm ways to make it engaging. We would use nearpod, chat features, simulations, games, and other apps. It was challenging with the number of students that participated and we ended up increasing the number of daily Zoom sessions after day 1 so that more could participate. The other part that was challenging is that we (faculty included) were new to delivering online lessons and had never hosted a virtual camp. Every day was a new adventure! We were very fortunate to have a dedicated team.
We would like to expand this to upper-grade elementary and also to high school students in the future (pending funding). We did have some upper-level elementary students participate during summer 2020. However, it was targeted for those going into grades 6-9.
Ramona Mateer
Jacqueline Ekeoba
Liandra Larsen
Cutee Hudson
Thank you to your team for using your amazing talents and creativity to make sure that these students continue to learn.
Ramona Mateer
Liandra Larsen
Liandra Larsen
Graduate Research Assistant, Video Editor, teachHOUSTON
Thank you for your kind words! It was our pleasure!
Ramona Mateer
Master Teacher/Lecturer, teachHOUSTON
@Cutee Hudson thank you!
Tina Hovance
As always, teachHouston provided quality learning STEM learning experiences, even during a pandemic, for middle school students. I am so impressed with your outreach efforts. Thank you for all you do with preservice teachers as well, to prepare them with the knowledge and skills to be successful in the classroom. Thanks to Paige, Mariam, Jackie, and Ramona for sharing your passion and inspiring future scientists!
Ramona Mateer
Paige Evans
Liandra Larsen
Liandra Larsen
Graduate Research Assistant, Video Editor, teachHOUSTON
Thank you for watching the video and sharing such a sweet message! The team appreciates your support.
Tina Hovance
As always, teachHouston provided quality learning STEM learning experiences, even during a pandemic, for middle school students. I am so impressed with your outreach efforts. Thank you for all you do with preservice teachers as well, to prepare them with the knowledge and skills to be successful in the classroom. Thanks to Paige, Mariam, Jackie, and Ramona for sharing your passion and inspiring future scientists!
Liandra Larsen
Mariam Manuel
Instructional Assistant Professor, STEM Master Teacher, teachHOUSTON
Thank you so much for the kind words and all your support over the years! Appreciate you!
Tina Hovance
As always, teachHouston provided quality learning STEM learning experiences, even during a pandemic, for middle school students. I am so impressed with your outreach efforts. Thank you for all you do with preservice teachers as well, to prepare them with the knowledge and skills to be successful in the classroom. Thanks to Paige, Mariam, Jackie, and Ramona for sharing your passion and inspiring future scientists!
Liandra Larsen
Jacqueline Ekeoba
Ramona Mateer
Master Teacher/Lecturer, teachHOUSTON
Thank you for watching our video and for your support and encouragement!
Jacqueline Ekeoba
Lecturer, Science Master Teacher, teachHOUSTON
@Cutee Hudson Thank you so much for your kind words and taking the time to visit our page!
Jacqueline Ekeoba
Lecturer, Science Master Teacher, teachHOUSTON
@Tina Hovance Thank you for all of your support and encouraging words on this endeavor!
Paige Evans
Associate Director and Clinical Professor, teachHOUSTON
Tina - thank you so much for viewing our video and for your support of our pre and in-service teachers.
Cathy Harter
Thank you teachHouston for leading the way during this most challenging year in education. Your expertise and ability to pivot provided much needed hands-on and collaborative science learning experiences for so many students. Thank you too for modeling what STEM can look like when students are not in the classroom. I feel confident your program helped to deepen curiosity in, and passion for, experiencing science in students, as well as in educators:)
Ramona Mateer
Liandra Larsen
Mariam Manuel
Instructional Assistant Professor, STEM Master Teacher, teachHOUSTON
Thank you, Cathy! Appreciate your consistent support of our programs!
Ramona Mateer
Master Teacher/Lecturer, teachHOUSTON
@Cathy Thank you, Cathy! Your support is always appreciated.
Cathy Harter
Thank you teachHouston for leading the way during this most challenging year in education. Your expertise and ability to pivot provided much needed hands-on and collaborative science learning experiences for so many students. Thank you too for modeling what STEM can look like when students are not in the classroom. I feel confident your program helped to deepen curiosity in, and passion for, experiencing science in students, as well as in educators:)
Ramona Mateer
Liandra Larsen
Paige Evans
Associate Director and Clinical Professor, teachHOUSTON
Hello Cathy, Thank you for your comments and for always being a strong supporter of teachHOUSTON. We appreciate you!
Sirjana Bindlish
It is a very inspiring and impressive video. STEM Interactive not only provided an interactive platform for students during the pandemic but also took it to another level by increasing the participation in the program from 50 to 3000. It also gave students an opportunity to explore their own self. The students who were not sure what engineer looks like were able to identify the engineer within themselves. I am proud of all the presenters of teachHouston program who made it a great success story.
Ramona Mateer
Liandra Larsen
Paige Evans
Associate Director and Clinical Professor, teachHOUSTON
Thank you Sirjana, We appreciate your thoughtful comments.
Ramona Mateer
Master Teacher/Lecturer, teachHOUSTON
Thank you Sirjana for your kind comments and thoughtful support.
Toby Baker
This is a great project highlighting girls in engineering! I love how the girl drew a picture of a man as an engineer, but then changed it too herself. As a researcher and co-presenter, when I was a child, researchers were old men in business suits-lol. I had not seen myself-young, short, blond woman as a researcher. This is a great way to change the way girls and women see themselves! Awesome!
Liandra Larsen
Mariam Manuel
Instructional Assistant Professor, STEM Master Teacher, teachHOUSTON
Thanks Tobi! Completely agree!
Paige Evans
Associate Director and Clinical Professor, teachHOUSTON
Hi Toby, Thank you so much for your comments. We appreciate it.
Ramona Mateer
Master Teacher/Lecturer, teachHOUSTON
Thank you Toby. Very well said.
Catherine Horn
Love, love, love this work, Paige and team. Grateful for your deep commitment to equity-centered experiences for students!
Ramona Mateer
Liandra Larsen
Liandra Larsen
Graduate Research Assistant, Video Editor, teachHOUSTON
Thank you Dr. Horn!!!
Paige Evans
Associate Director and Clinical Professor, teachHOUSTON
Thank you Cathy! I appreciate your comments!
Ramona Mateer
Master Teacher/Lecturer, teachHOUSTON
Thank you Dr. Horn!
Jordan Caravella
Super excited to see the work you are doing with students all over the world! :)
Ramona Mateer
Liandra Larsen
Mariam Manuel
Instructional Assistant Professor, STEM Master Teacher, teachHOUSTON
Thank you for the positive feedback!
Alexa Schwartz
Amazing job! Congratulations!
Paige Evans
Associate Director and Clinical Professor, teachHOUSTON
Thank you Alexa!
Alexa Schwartz
Amazing job! Congratulations!
Liandra Larsen
Liandra Larsen
Graduate Research Assistant, Video Editor, teachHOUSTON
Thank you for your support Alexa! We appreciate it.
As a parent, a UH employee, a Doctorate student in Education, and someone with an extensive background in research, I couldn't have been more proud to witness this incredible, creative, informative effort in transforming the lives of 3000 students across the globe, regardless of neighborhoods and ability, including my children during the pandemic. This program is truly an example of how to turn on the lightbulbs, trigger curiosity, and cultivate an interest in STEM. This program is a testament that EVERY STUDENT CAN when given an opportunity. Thank you for giving them that opportunity!
Ramona Mateer
Paige Evans
Liandra Larsen
Ramona Mateer
Master Teacher/Lecturer, teachHOUSTON
Thank you for the wonderful feedback. We enjoyed every student we had the opportunity to work with during this project and yes they all demonstrated that they "CAN" and often times went above and beyond when given the opportunity.
Mariam Manuel
Instructional Assistant Professor, STEM Master Teacher, teachHOUSTON
Wow! Thank you so much for the positive feedback!!
Richard Mason
Great video and project!
Liandra Larsen
Liandra Larsen
Graduate Research Assistant, Video Editor, teachHOUSTON
Thanks so much for taking the time to watch the full video Richard! We appreciate it.
Ramona Mateer
Master Teacher/Lecturer, teachHOUSTON
Thank you Richard!
Richard Mason
Great video and project!
Richard Mason
Great video and project!
Paige Evans
Associate Director and Clinical Professor, teachHOUSTON
Thank you!
Mariam Manuel
Instructional Assistant Professor, STEM Master Teacher, teachHOUSTON
Thank your for the positive feedback!
Tiffany Galloway
Amazing work!! Congrats!
Liandra Larsen
Liandra Larsen
Graduate Research Assistant, Video Editor, teachHOUSTON
Thank you so much Tiffany!
Tiffany Galloway
Amazing work!! Congrats!
Tiffany Galloway
Amazing work!! Congrats!
Ramona Mateer
Master Teacher/Lecturer, teachHOUSTON
Thank you Tiffany.
Priti Shah
Totally Amazing. I am planning to enroll Aarti this summer as well. Thank you for your support and organizing STEM Interactive classes.
Paige Evans
Associate Director and Clinical Professor, teachHOUSTON
Wonderful! We look forward to working with Aarti this summer.
Ramona Mateer
Master Teacher/Lecturer, teachHOUSTON
Thank you for your support. We will be so excited to have Aarti this summer.
Israel Ramirez
Thank you for providing this virtual global opportunity to students. I like the fact that students feel great by collaborating with you in this great project. Also, It's great to see that you are bringing students from around the globe to create solutions.
Paige Evans
Associate Director and Clinical Professor, teachHOUSTON
Thank you Israel. We appreciate your comments. We are excited to see what this summer brings.
I enjoyed watching your video as well. Very impressive work!
Mariam Manuel
Instructional Assistant Professor, STEM Master Teacher, teachHOUSTON
Happy Friday!! Thank you for visiting our project page! This endeavor was an incredible experience for our entire team and we do hope you sense that as you watch the video. Feel free to check out our archived 2020 lessons: https://uh.edu/nsm/teachhouston/summer-camps/stem-interactive/2020/lessons/
We invite you to comment, like, and share so we can engage further. As for discussion, we are especially interested in your specific project and:
Thank you! We can’t wait to connect and discuss!
Liandra Larsen
Ramona Mateer
Patti Parson
What a wonderful quick pivot for your summer camp program. Since it was so successful, and reached so many more kids, are you thinking of continuing it in some form whenever the pandemic allows for in-person again. Congrats too on a wonderful, warm-hearted video!
Liandra Larsen
Jacqueline Ekeoba
Liandra Larsen
Graduate Research Assistant, Video Editor, teachHOUSTON
Hi Patti! Thank you so much for your kind words! We were hosting in-person summer camps pre-pandemic, so we hope to get back to that. However, seeing how many students were able to access our lessons virtually has opened a door to new possibilites for how we choose to offer camps once the pandemic is under control. We're still virtual this summer, but will reevaluate for Summer of 2022!
Juzar Lokhandwala
Great work. This is inspiring for young kids to get interested in STEM. Love some of the experiments pics.
Jacqueline Ekeoba
Ramona Mateer
Master Teacher/Lecturer, teachHOUSTON
We had a great time with this project! Thank you for your support.
Mariam Manuel
Instructional Assistant Professor, STEM Master Teacher, teachHOUSTON
Thank you for the positive feedback! It was a great experience!
James Callahan
Thank you, teachHouston team! Fantastic video, wonderful program.
We very much have been looking forward to learning from, and connecting with programs with similarities to ours. This year especially, with an emphasis on remote and/or virtual engaging learning. Truly participatory, hands-on STEM. Informal and formal education together.
The STEM for All Video Showcase is everything we were hoping for, and more! Finding your video and program is a real treat!
Jacqueline Ekeoba
Ramona Mateer
Master Teacher/Lecturer, teachHOUSTON
Thank you for your wonderful comments! So happy you viewed our video.
Rita Karl
What a wonderful program! Thank you for sharing and so glad you could pivot to virtual. Your story brought tears to my eyes. You should be so proud! Way to go UofH!
Jacqueline Ekeoba
Ramona Mateer
Master Teacher/Lecturer, teachHOUSTON
Thank you for watching our video. We appreciate your wonderful comments!
Paige Evans
Associate Director and Clinical Professor, teachHOUSTON
Thank you Rita for your nice comments.
Jacqueline Ekeoba
Lecturer, Science Master Teacher, teachHOUSTON
Thank you so much Rita for watching our video and sharing those kind comments!
Jacqueline Ekeoba
Lecturer, Science Master Teacher, teachHOUSTON
@James Callahan We are always looking to build partnerships throughout the STEM community! I am interested to know more about ClimateChaneEducation.org as we look to further develop informal STEM experiences for our community.
Elaine Paz
I cannot wait to be a part of tHSI this summer! This looks so fun for the young STEM masters and the teachHOUSTON interns alike, as we all get to learn from one another and have FUN with STEM topics (most importantly).
Mariam Manuel
Instructional Assistant Professor, STEM Master Teacher, teachHOUSTON
Yes, Ms. Paz!! We are so stoked about you working with us this summer! Will be a great experience!
Ramona Mateer
Master Teacher/Lecturer, teachHOUSTON
Completely agree with Dr. Manuel. We are so excited to work with you this summer!
Caroline Neary
Such an important program! Great work.
Caroline Neary
Such an important program! Great work.
Mariam Manuel
Instructional Assistant Professor, STEM Master Teacher, teachHOUSTON
Thank you for the positive feedback, Caroline!
Natalie Valdes
Incredible! I love the emphasis on inclusion within the world of STEM as for younger children they can see that no matter their background they are capable of entering this world and making a difference through their passion.
Liandra Larsen
Liandra Larsen
Graduate Research Assistant, Video Editor, teachHOUSTON
Thank you Natalie! Wow - such kind words. We may have to use this comment as our future slogan for the program. Thank you for understanding our work and vision and we appreciate you watching!
Natalie Valdes
Incredible! I love the emphasis on inclusion within the world of STEM as for younger children they can see that no matter their background they are capable of entering this world and making a difference through their passion.
Liandra Larsen
Rhapsody Arias
How incredibly enlightening! Wonderful work! Congratulations to everyone involved in shedding light on such a forgotten field!
Liandra Larsen
Ramona Mateer
Master Teacher/Lecturer, teachHOUSTON
Thank you!
Erika Ramirez
This is amazing! I love that it’s free and not only helping younger students, but involving college students as well. Just watching the video of the student almost crying shows how much this can affect each person!
Liandra Larsen
Ramona Mateer
Master Teacher/Lecturer, teachHOUSTON
Thank you for your comments Erika. It was very exciting and motivating to see our young and college students alike enjoy this event.
Kathleen Castano
Such an inspiring video. It’s great to see programs taking the right steps to prepare the next generation for STEM programs while showing them that anything is possible regardless of their gender. I would love to see more programs like this across our education system!
Liandra Larsen
Liandra Larsen
Graduate Research Assistant, Video Editor, teachHOUSTON
Thank you Kathleen! We're so glad to hear that the video resonated with you and appreciate you watching and taking the time to comment. We're excited to keep this work going!
Evan Mundahl
Very powerful! You can feel the students passion for this project. Very informative!
Evan Mundahl
Very powerful! You can feel the students passion for this project. Very informative!
Ramona Mateer
Master Teacher/Lecturer, teachHOUSTON
Thank you for your kind words Evan!
Mariam Manuel
Instructional Assistant Professor, STEM Master Teacher, teachHOUSTON
I agree! The students’ exciting was the best part! Thank you for the kind words, Evan!
Vanessa Knott
Amazing! I love how this program gives an equal opportunity for students and sparks an interest STEM. Congratulations to everyone involved!
Mariam Manuel
Instructional Assistant Professor, STEM Master Teacher, teachHOUSTON
Thanks Vanessa! We appreciate the kind words and are excited to continue the program!
Cheryl Craig
Professor, Houston Endowment Endowed Chair of Urban Education
Thank you for the many comments on the program. I am amazed how a summer institute meant for 60 local/regional students mushroomed into a 3000+ event, thanks to the Zoom technology and "kitchen-like" labs, which the Grade 6-9 students clearly loved and learned from.
Kita Adams
What a great video and program! I’m exited to see what teachHOUSTON does in the future!
Emily Solis
Amazing! love seeing the joy in the students eyes as they share their experiences and excitement about being seen. I also love how inclusive the program is and especially for young girls how it opens their eyes to having a career in STEM and that it’s not only a field for men. Incredible program!